Virtual study visit – Smart technology for food processing
Sep 23, 2020 / 13:00 - 15:00
| FREEFind the slides from the event here:
- Smart process control – the example of dough production by M. Sc. André Blome
- From batchwise to continuous mashing by Florian Conradi
- Smart FOODFACTORY: A Living Lab for Digital Solutions in Food Production by Hans-Jürgen Danneel
- Towards a digital innovation eco-system by Prof. Dr. Stefan Witte and Dr. Andrea Davis
- The road ahead by Dr. Nele Jantz
- Presentation of S3FOOD
- Presentation of Connsensys
About the event
Come with us to Germany’s hotspot for digital transformation and take part in our webinar, demonstrations and discussions about the latest innovative opportunities for the food industry.
- Digitalisation
- Automation
- Industrial implementation
Hear expert speakers from:
- smartFoodTechnologyOWL
A regional partnership for digitalisation of the food industry funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research. Hear more about smartFoodTechnology OWL here:
- Institute of Food Technology.NRW
A centre for practice-oriented research and industrial implementation at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts - Institute Industrial IT (inIT)
A leading research institute in the field of industrial automation
All brought to you from OWL University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Lemgo – in the heart of Region Ostwestfalen-Lippe (OWL)
Welcome & Introduction
Norbert Reichl, Food-Processing Initiative e.V. (FPI)
Gus Verhaeghe, Flanders` FOOD
Towards a digital innovation eco-system – latest developments at OWL University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Lemgo
Prof. Dr. Stefan Witte, OWL UASA & Innovation Campus Lemgo
Smart FOODFACTORY – a living lab for digital solutions in food production
Prof. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Danneel, Institute of Food Technology.NRW (ILT.NRW)
Expert panel: Food 4.0 – insights and developments
Prof. Dr. Stefan Witte, Institute industrial IT (InIT), smartFoodTechnologyOWL (SFT.OWL)
Prof. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Danneel, Institute of Food Technology.NRW (ILT.NRW), Smart FOODFACTORY
Short coffee break
Welcome to smartFoodTechnologyOWL (short video)
Projects & activities
1) smartFoodTechnologyOWL
2) From batchwise to continuous mashing – cyber physical systems and their potential to improve production processes
Dipl. Food Chemist Florian Conradi, SFT.OWL
3) Smart process control – the example of dough production
M.SC André Blome, SFT.OWL
Discussion (questions from the audience)
The road ahead – SFT.OWL 2025
Dr. Nele Jantz, SFT.OWL
Conclusions & follow-up
Norbert Reichl, FPI e.V.
Moderation: Norbert Reichl, FPI e.V.
About Region Ostwestfalen-Lippe (OWL)
With 189 companies, around 24,000 employees and a turnover of € 10.4 billion, the food industry is one of the strongest manufacturing sectors in OWL, covering the entire food value chain. Over the years, the economic importance of the food industry to the region has grown considerably, with food companies being major employers in rural areas.
The region also has 13 universities with top competences in the field of digitalization. Close collaboration between industry and research institutes makes OWL a German hotspot for digital transformation.
For more information
Contact event hosts:
T:+49(0)521 98640-0