Technology readiness levels
Technology readiness levels are levels on a scale that can be used for estimating the maturity of a given technology. There are nine levels, which each represent a state in the development of technology, from the first thoughts to the final technology.
TRL 1: Basic principles observed
Identification of new concept and its integration, expected barriers, and applications.
Identification of materials and technologies based on theory.
Evaluation of potential benefits of the new concept over existing ones.
TRL 2: Technology concept formulated
Enhanced knowledge on technologies, materials, and interfaces.
New concept is investigated and refined.
First evaluation about the feasibility.
Initial numerical knowledge.
Qualitative description of interactions between technologies.
Prototyping approach and preliminary technical specifications for laboratory test are defined.
TRL 3: Experimental proof of concept
First laboratory scale prototype or numerical model.
Laboratory tests of the technological element, but not the whole integrated system.
Identification of key parameters characterising the technology.
Verification of the proof of concept through simulation tools and cross-validation with literature data (if applicable).
TRL 4: Technology validated in lab
Small-scale prototype integrated with complementing subsystems at laboratory level.
Validation of the new technology through enhanced numerical analysis (if applicable).
Measurable Key Performance Indicators.
Prototype shows stable performance (either TRL4 or TRL5, depending on the technology)
TRL 5: Technology validated in relevant environment
Large scale prototype integrated with components of supporting elements and auxiliaries.
Robustness is proven in relevant working environment.
Prototype shows stable performance (either TRL4 or TRL5, de- pending on the technology).
The process is reliable, and performances live up to expectations (either TRL5 or TRL6, depending on the technology).
Other parameters concerning scale-up, environmental, regulatory, and socio-economic issues are defined and qualitatively assessed.
TRL 6: Technology pilot demonstrated in relevant environment
Demonstration of the technology is fine-tuned to a variety of operating conditions in relevant environment.
The process is reliable, and the performances live up to the expectations (either TRL5 or TRL6, depending on the technology).
Demonstration of interoperability with other connected technologies.
Manufacturing approach is defined (either TRL6 or TRL7, depending on the technology).
Environmental, regulatory, and socio-economic issues are addressed.
TRL 7: System prototype demonstration in operational environment
Full scale pre-commercial system is demonstrated in operational environment.
Compliancy with relevant environment conditions, authorisation issues, local/national standards is guaranteed.
Integration of upstream and downstream technologies are verified and validated.
Manufacturing approach is defined (either TRL6 or TRL7, depending on the technology).
TRL 8: System complete and qualified
Technology has been experimented in deployment conditions and proven its functioning in its final form.
Manufacturing process is stable enough for a low-rate production.
Training and maintenance documentation are completed.
Integration at system level is completed.
Full compliance with obligations, certifications, and standards of the addressed markets.
TRL 9: System proven in operational environment
Technology proven fully operational and ready to be commercialised.
Full production chain is in place and all materials are available.
System optimised for full rate production.